An Exploration of Japanese Fashion
When you think of Japanese fashion, what comes to mind? If you’re like most people, you probably think of kimonos and geishas. However, Japanese fashion is so much more than that. In fact, Japan is home to some of the most innovative and avant-garde fashion designers in the world. In our articles, we’ll introduce you to some of the most famous Japanese fashion designers and their work. You’ll learn about their unique styles and how they’ve influenced the fashion world.Kenzō Takada Japans Favorite Fashion Designer
Kenzō Takada was a Japanese fashion designer who was one of the founders of the fashion label Kenzo. He was born in Himeji, Japan, in 1939. Takada was the eldest of four children and was raised in an upper-middle-class family. His father was a…
1430A look at Japanese top Fashion Brands
In the last few years, a number of Japanese fashion brands have gained international recognition for the attention to detail in their work and unexpected design aesthetic. Japanese fashion is often branded as being about minimalistic aesthetics,…
1446Rei Kawakubo – The Queen of Weird
Rei Kawakubo, also known as the “Queen of Weird” and the “High Priestess of Hyper-Goth” is a Japanese fashion designer based in Tokyo. She is best known for founding the fashion label Comme des Garçons in 1973. In her designs, Kawakubo…
1363Japanese Couture its Styles and Fashions
In the age of globalisation and digitalisation, fashion has transcended geographical barriers and become universal. However, a lot also gets lost in translation. In a homogenized world, we are constantly bombarded with ideas of what’s cool and…
1623Japanese Designers and Fashion Runways
Japanese fashion designers have been presenting their works on the catwalk for decades. The Japanese Fashion Runway has become a highlight of Tokyo Fashion Week and is broadcast to millions of viewers all over the world. Although its roots are…
1038The Creative Issey Miyake Japanese Fashion Designer
Issey Miyake is a Japanese fashion designer, label founder and creative director of the same name. He is known for his forward-thinking designs that are often avant-garde and provocative. His work combines elements from multiple cultures,…
995Japanese Fashion and Traditional Patterns
Japanese fashion design has a unique and subtle style that is not commonly seen in Western fashion. Japanese fashion is known for its clean, minimalist look and many designers have taken inspiration from this culture to make their own pieces.…
933Japanese Women and Traditional Clothing
Nowadays, the fashion industry is one of the most competitive industries. Everyone strives to create new designs and trends to remain ahead in the market. In this fierce competition, traditional clothing has also received a lot of attention from…
910Traditional Fashion for the Japanese Man
Japan is known as one of the most fascinating countries in the world. It is home to an amazing variety of natural wonders, from snow-capped mountains and lush green forests to beautiful beaches and tranquil lakes. Japanese men’s fashion plays…
886Traditional Japanese Fabrics and Textiles
Made from natural fibres such as cotton, silk or linen, Japanese textiles are known for their subtle beauty and intricate designs. Traditional Japanese garments such as kimonos, yukatas and uchigin robes use different types of fabric to create…
873Katherine Hepburn is a legendary Movie Star
It is a well-known fact that Katherine Hepburn was one of the most iconic actresses of Hollywood’s Golden Age. But beyond just being a talented and memorable actress, she was also a legendary…
The way we listen to Music has Changed with Technology
The way we listen to music has changed a lot in the last few decades. From 45rpm vinyl records, cassette tapes, and CDs to streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music, music listening habits have…